Our Newsletters
At Temple Israel, there are two newsletters! Our monthly all-digital newsletter called Temple Essentials has Yahrzeits observed during the month, contributions from the previous month, and a calendar of events.
We also have a special Jewish Holiday publication called The Window. This publication has 4 issues per the Jewish calendar year; High Holy Day/Autumn issue, Hanukkah/Winter issue, Purim & Passover/Spring issue, and a Summer issue. The Window is available to Temple members as a digital or print publication.
Click on the links below to view our newsletters as a digital PDF (Printable Digital Format). You can save the issues to your device or print them.
Most Current Issue of The Window: Hanukkah/Winter Issue
Most Current Issue of Temple Essentials: January 2025
If you've logged in, to view the archives, see the Newsletter Archive page.