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To Repair The World: Tikkun Olam Through Social Action

As Jews we are obligated to do the best we can to make this world a better place. We are to be a light to the nations, but what does that mean? Each of us may have a different interpretation, but as a congregation we have several projects that we support.

See the pages in this menu for opportunities of how you can make our world a better place — whether through social action or social justice work.

A Brief Background On Tikkun Olam

In reform Judaism, more often, the words, “social action” are used in conjunction with the words tikkun olam or to “repair the world.” At Temple Israel, we feel that our social action is getting out in the community and helping others through our involvement with any one or more of our outreach movements. Also, it’s important to work toward legislative solutions to social problems.

Rabbi Rick Jacobs of the Union for Reform Judaism wrote in a 2015 article:


"So here’s a radical idea: What if we start where our people are, and not where we think they ought to be? Millennials tell us that, more than money or prestige, what they are searching for in life is meaning – a way to make an impact bigger than themselves. And the majority of our people say their Jewish identity is built on tikkun olam – healing the world, welcoming the stranger, acts of social justice. So why don’t we make that the biggest gateway into our holy work?"
Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785